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Who we Help

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Hormone Balancing

Hormones play so many roles in our bodies, and when they're out balance they can wreak havoc on our moods, cycles, energy, libido, metabolism, hair & skin, sleep, blood sugar regulation, and overall wellbeing. So often as female bodied people we get told there's nothing wrong, or "it's normal". I'm here to tell you that you're not crazy! I'll also tell you that extreme swings in mood, heavy bleeding,  intense cramping, irregular periods, hair loss, vaginal dryness/pain, crippling insomnia, hot flashes are not necessarily normal and can usually be helped! Don't suffer in silence. I take a functional approach in work-up and come up with a comprehensive plan to get you feeling better and back to doing the things you love. Reach out for help with menopause, PCOS, endometriosis, PMS, PMDD, or heavy/painful/irregular periods. 

Naturopathic Thyroid Care

Approximately 1 in 8 women will have a thyroid condition at some point in their lives. Many will go for months or years complaining of fatigue, depression, high cholesterol, body pain, digestive disturbances, weight gain, and hair thinning or loss before they get the diagnosis. Many more will be under-treated, or only offered one solution to this complex problem.  Even more people fall into subclinical imbalances, where they may have all the symptoms but lab results that don't meet the criteria for treatment. Conventionally, a TSH is often the only test ordered and monitored. A full thyroid panel can provide instant clarity. If you already have a diagnosis of Hashimoto's, Grave's disease, hypothyroidism, or hyperthyroidism OR you're struggling with the symptoms above let's talk! There are tools that can help at every step of the way. 

Chronic Fatigue

What would your life look like if you had twice the amount of energy as you do now? Energy is the key to a fulfilled life. Everything we do requires energy to maintain. Without it, we feel unmotivated, down, and overwhelmed! There is more to energy than sleep, and feeling tired is often a message our bodies send when something's out of balance. Fatigue is to be taken seriously. There are so many contributing factors, some within our control, and some not. We can't take the stress of life away. But we can do a thorough investigation into the energy pathways of the body. We can often make huge progress by looking into hormone or thyroid imbalances, adrenal health, nutrient deficiencies, sleep deficits, anxiety, and lifestyle factors such as stress management, sleep hygiene, exercise, and diet. This is also where botanicals and vitamins can shine!

Anxiety and Depression

Bad days are part of life, but having more bad days than good can leave us feeling like life is unmanageable. I have a particular passion for helping people with anxiety and depression, because the conventional treatment options are so limited. While I do believe that prescription medications have their place, many cannot tolerate the side effects of pharmaceuticals or find them ineffective and give up hope that there's anything that can help. I always rule out physical contributors first: thyroid, nutrient deficiencies, hormone imbalances, insomnia etc. Then we come up with a comprehensive plan to nourish, balance, and support your body.  

Help is on the horizon.

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